Best Instagram spot in Hong Kong! Quarry Bay mansion!



This post is for these people.↓

I want to go the mansion famous for Instagram!

How can I go there? And what I have to notice about it?

And my opinion is


You can go there easily from Hongkong city with MTR(subway).

I introduce you how to go there.

When you visit there, please don’t trouble resident.

Mansion in Hongkong!

Hello, Kira is writing.

Today, I went a famous mansion in Hongkong.

Instagram spot,Hong Kong,Quarry Bay mansion.

So cool, Isn’t it??


Have you see this mansion before?

Here is famous in Instagram.

I love mansions in HK!

Ordinally travellers says,

Hong Kong? I like it! Nightvies is beautiful, foods are so good!


Yeah,It’s okay. Your opinion is right.

However, that is not enough!


In Hong Kong! You have to check Architecture!

Especially mansions are the best!!


Look this image.

Towns are also gooood.

吉良 コウさん(@koh_kira)がシェアした投稿

I love this messy looking.

It is only in Hong Kong!


I guess if you like movies  “Brade Runner” or “Ghost in the shell”, you also like these mansions too.

吉良 コウさん(@koh_kira)がシェアした投稿

When I visit Hong Kong (this is 5th time), I search sexy mansions and shoot them.

Someday, I wanna publish a photo album named “Hong Kong Mansions” lol.

The mansion is “Quarry Bay”

Now, today’s main subject.

This famous mansion surrounded by three sides.

Instagram spot,Hong Kong,Quarry Bay mansion.

This is located on “Quarry Bay”.

I will show you how to go there with some pictures.

Only by MTR and walk

You can go there very easily.

Ride on MTR(subway), and go “太古(Tai Koo)”station, and walk about 5~10 minutes.

The mansion is near the station.

Go 太古(Tai Koo)station

At first, go 太古(Tai Koo)station.↓


Check the route map too.

You may stay around “Tim Sha sui” or “Central” station,

so you can go by this direction indicated by the arrow.↓

香港 インスタ 団地 マンション QuarryBay 行き方

Walk from the station

From the station, you have to walk like this.↓

Tai Koo station has some exit, so check your map or smartphone too.



As soon as I left the station, I found a cool mansion.

This is not today’s destination, but it is awsome..

吉良 コウさん(@koh_kira)がシェアした投稿

Found big mansion

Walk a few minutes, you can see a huge building

Instagram spot,Hong Kong,Quarry Bay mansion.

This huge one is the destination.

When you look closely, you will be overwhermed by it,wow.

Instagram spot,Hong Kong,Quarry Bay mansion.

So cool.

吉良 コウさん(@koh_kira)がシェアした投稿

Let’s go in

Walk along the load, and you can find a entrance.

Little meet shop is the landmark.


In the mansion, It look like a dungeon.

Instagram spot,Hong Kong,Quarry Bay mansion.

【Caution!】Do not bother the residence!

By the way, about this mansion,

It has unique looking, but it is in active.


Now (in 2018),many people in there.

So, please act carefuly and don’t bother them.


They may think

Recently, a lot of travelers come our spaces…?

So, please DO NOT their actions.

  • Make noise with many people
  • Enter the no-entry erea
  • Infringe on residents’ privacy

Let’s be careful about it.


Okay, today’s summery again.

This post was for these people.↓

I want to go the mansion famous for Instagram!

How can I go there? And what I have to notice about it?

And my opinion was


You can go there easily from Hongkong city with MTR(subway).

I introduce you how to go there.

When you visit there, please don’t trouble resident.


I hope you have a nice trip.


